


时间:2020/1/10 10:35:10





“When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut!”

If you have the same passion about space, you’ll find the following facts about the International Space Station very interesting. Did you know it is the largest artificial body in Earth’s orbit? It is made of several modules that can be changed for each mission. It was created with the purpose of exploring space, and it has a research laboratory. This gives scientists a platform to conduct research into how space affects our daily lives, the weather on Earth, medicine and even education. The International Space Station also supports missions to the Moon and Mars by checking the systems and equipment.


1. 有2个轨道段:美国轨道段和俄罗斯轨道段

2. 2000年11月2号发射的探索者1号创造了国际空间站连续待在太空的长时间记录。

3. 探索者1号的一位宇航员Sergei Krikalev 持有人类待在太空的长时间记录:803天9小时39分钟。他也是探索者11号的总指挥。

4. 已有9个载人空间站成功进入太空。

5. 得益于国际空间站的探索和教育项目,超过430万人进一步认识了太空。

6. 一些用于国际空间站的技术如今被运用到医学领域和水净化工程。

7. 国际空间站所拍摄的太空照片非常美丽,也很有用。如今,这些照片已帮助了一些保护珊瑚礁。

8. 太空里生活是什么样的?和地球上生活一样。科学家能够营造和地球相同的大气,让宇航员更加舒适。

9. 国际空间站配备了巨大的太阳能板来收集能量。


Here are some fun facts about the International Space Station:

1. It has two sections: the United States Orbital Segment and the Russian Orbital Segment.

2. It represents the longest continuous human presence in space, starting on November 2nd, 2000 with the arrival of Expedition 1.

3. A member of Expedition 1, Sergei Krikalev, holds the record for the most time spent in space: 803 days, 9 hours and 39 minutes. He was also the Commander of Expedition 11.

4. It is the ninth space station to have crew members living on it.

5. Over 43 million students have learned about space thanks to the discoveries and the educational programs organized by the International Space Station program.

6. Some of the technology developed for the International Space Station is now used in medicine. An example of this is water purification.

7. The images taken from the International Space Station are very beautiful. They are also very useful; recent images have helped several countries understand how to protect coral reefs.

8. Have you ever wondered about what it’s like to live on the International Space Station? It’s not too different to Earth. Scientists have managed to create a familiar atmosphere to make the astronauts more comfortable.

9. The International Space Station uses large solar panels as an energy source.

10. Do you know you can travel to space, even if you’re not an astronaut? Travelers who pay for their own flights are called ‘spaceflight participants’.


Thanks to the discoveries made on the International Space Station, it will become much easier to reach the stars in the future!

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