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1 The lives of children

1.1 Who are the learners_

1.2 Issues of identity

1.3 Boys and girls

1.4 The multicultural classroom

2 How children learn

2.1 Self confidence and self esteem

2.2 The concept of 'agency'

2.3 Differentiating learning and teaching

2.4 Rules and roles

3 Engaging with students

3.1 Language in the classroom

3.2 Rewarding and celebrating achievement

3.3 Questioning in the classroom

3.4 Working in pairs, triads, and groups

4 The power of the peer group

4.1 Understanding peer groups

4.2 Smoking, alcohol, drugs and peer pressure

4.3 Bullying

4.4 Labeling

4.5 Looking at weeks three and four

5 Learning that travels

5.1 Learning in the home

5.2 Homework

5.3 Transitions

5.4 The uses and value of indicators

6 Four key thinkers

6.1 PaiObanya

6.2 David Perkins

6.3 Lev Vygotsky

6.4 Abraham Maslow


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