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计算机编程 Computer Progamming



计算机编程 Computer Progamming

1 Python, Variables, and Functions

1.1 Welcome to LTP

1.2 Installing Python

1.3 Python as a Calculator

1.4 Python and Computer Memory

1.5 Variables

1.6 Visualizing Assignment Statements

1.7 Built-in Functions

1.8 Defining Functions

2 Strings and Designing Functions

2.1 Type str

2.2 Input,Output and str Formatting

2.3 Docstrings and Function Help

2.4 Function Design Recipe

2.5 Function Reuse

2.6 Visualizing Function Calls

3 Booleans, Import, Namespaces, and if Statements

3.1 Functions, Variables, and the Call Stack

3.2 Type Bool

3.3 Converting Between int, str, and float

3.4 Import,Using Non Built in Functions

3.5 If Statements

3.6 No if Required

3.7 Structuring if Statements

4 For Loops and Fancy String Manipulation

4.1 More str Operators

4.2 Str Indexing and Slicing

4.3 Str Methods Functions Inside of Objects

4.4 For Loop Over Str

4.5 IDLE's Debugger

5 While Loops, Lists, and Mutability

5.1 While Loops


5.3 Type list

5.4 list Methods

5.5 Mutability and Aliasing

5.6 range

6 For Loops Over Indices, Parallel and Nested Lists and Strings, and Files

6.1 For Loop Over Indices

6.2 Parallel Lists and Strings

6.3 Nested Lists

6.4 Nested Loops

6.5 Reading Files

6.6 Writing Files

6.7 Developing a Program

7 Tuples and Dictionaries

7.1 Tuples

7.2 Type dict

7.3 Inverting a Dictionary

7.4 Populating a Dictionary


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