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公共演讲 Public Speaking



公共演讲 Public Speaking

1 Welcome to Introduction to Public Speaking!

1.1 Welcome to the Course

1.2 Speaking Situations

1.3 Course Objectives

1.4 Rhetoric

1.5 Canons of Rhetoric

1.6 Literacy and Orality

1.7 Literacy and Orality Analysis

1.8 Performance and Communication Orientation

1.9 Practicing Your Speech

1.10 Introductory Speech Overview

2 Designing Impromptu Speeches

2.2 Impromptu Speech Overview

2.3 Impromptu Speech Rubric

2.4 Outlining and Flowing

2.5 Elements of Arguments

2.6 Inventing Main Points

2.7 Arranging Main Points

2.8 Phrasing Main Points

2.9 Developing Evidence

2.10 Landon's Problem Speech

2.11 Landon's Improved Speech

3 Delivering Impromptu Speeches

3.2 Using Evidence

3.3 Using Evidence Sample Speech

3.4.1 Speech Structure Overview

3.4.2 Introductions

3.4.3Transitions and the Conclusion

3.4.4 Structure Sample Speech

3.5 Public Speaking Apprehension

3.5.1 Apprehension Example

3.5.2 Breathing and Projection

3.6 Pacing and Pausing

3.7 Movement and Gesture

3.8 Kathie’s Rough Impromptu

3.9 Kathie’s Refined Impromptu

3.10 Walker’s Rough Impromptu

3.11 Walker’s Refined Impromptu

4 Introduction to Informative Speaking!

4.2 Informative Speech Overview

4.3 Informative Speech Rubric

4.4 Sample Informative Speech

4.5 A Speech Preparation Process

4.6 Constraints and Opportunities

4.5.1 Drafting Up a Sample Speech

4.6.1 Dialing in Your Informative Topic

4.7 Speech Goals

4.7.1 Informative Speech Next Steps

4.8 Informative Speech Evaluation Intro

4.9 Informative Speech Analysis—Sea Aggregation

5 Designing Informative Speeches

5.2 Levels of Meaning

5.3 Finding Your Key Ideas

5.4 Developing Your Key Ideas

5.5 Refining Your Speech_ Simplicity

5.6 Developing Your Support.mp4

5.5.1 Refining Your Speech_ Balance and Order

5.7 Clarity through Elaboration

5.8 Urban Beekeeping

5.9 Urban Beekeeping Analysis

5.10 Urban Beekeeping Restructuring

6 Delivering Informative Speeches

6.2 Informative Introductions and Conclusions

6.3 What is Ethos

6.4 Presidential Ethos Analysis

6.5 Informative Ethos

6.6 Tyson Ethos Analysis

6.7 Citation

6.7.1 Note Use

6.8 Pausing

6.9 Vocal Variety

6.10 Movement

6.11 Oligopolies

6.12 Oligopolies Analysis

6.13 Alien Life

6.14 Alien Life Analysis

7 Persuasive Speaking Basics

7.2 Persuasive Speech Overview

7.3 Persuasive Speech Feedback Form

7.4 Evaluating a Sample Persuasive Speech

7.5 Status Quo and Burden of Proof

7.6 Ill and Blame

7.6.1 Cure and Consequences

7.7 Presidential Stock Issues

7.7.1 Stock Issues Analysis

7.8 Developing your Stock Issues

8 Designing Persuasive Speeches

8.2 Counter-Arguments_ Audience

8.2.1 Counter-Arguments_ Identifying Clash Points

8.3 Counter-Arguments_ Designing a Response

8.4 Calls to Action

8.5 Persuasive Arrangement Patterns

8.6 Argument Congruency

8.7 Persuasive Evidence

8.8 Fallacies of Claims and Data

8.9 Fallacies of Reasoning and Response

8.10 Task Sharing

8.11 Task Sharing Analysis

9 Delivering Persuasive Speeches

9.2 Framing Language_ Audience and Speaker

9.2.1 Framing Language_ Audience and Topic

9.3Framing Language_ sample speeches

9.3.1 Framing Language_ Presidential Analysis

9.4 Stylistic Devices Part 1

9.4.1 Stylistic Devices Part 2

9.4.2 Stylistic Devices Part 3

9.5 Integrating Style and Emotional Tones

9.6 Vocal Projection

9.7 Vocal Health

9.8 Student Persuasive Speech

9.9 Persuasive Speech Evaluation

10 Course Conclusion

10.1 Course Review

10.2 Your Growth as a Speaker

10.3 Practice Activities

10.4 Practicing Copiousness

10.5 Thank You and Final Thoughts


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