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天津大爆炸 The Tianjin Explosion

超级停车场 Super Parking

“大片儿”归来 Blockbuster Watching

人离“诺奖”有多远? How far do Chinese people reach Nobel Prize?

“万圣节”来啦!Halloween is coming!

单身也购物 Shopping on Singles' Day!

大话“二胎” Two-Children Policy

为雾霾而战! The war for smog!

“感恩节”的起源 The origin of Thanksgiving Day

“苹果”的买手们 Iphone buyers

式“逼婚” Pressured marriage in China

“剩男”脱单 Marriage partners for leftover men

互联网思维 Thinking on internet

较美不过宁夏川 My most beautiful hometown

跨年 The celebration of New Year's Eve

大学英语四六级 CET4 & CET6

欢乐圣诞节 Merry Christmas

研究生入学考试 Entrance exam for graduate school

网络词汇 Internet words

公务员 Civil Servants

国外代购 Help to buy abroad

微信朋友圈儿 Sparking wechat

“两会” NPC and CPPCC

“小李”的故事 Leonardo DiCaprio's Story

全民打假 Anti-counterfeiting

选秀 Talent Shows

“一带一路” “One Belt, One Road”

大学生创业 University Graduate Entrepreneurs

北京户口 Residential Permit in Beijing

黄牛 Scalper

奇异的菜 Exotic Chinese Dishes

学习的那些事儿 Learning Tips

房价太高 High Price of Housing

北京地铁 Beijing Subway

拖延症 Procrastination

崛起 Prosperity in China

美国大选 Presidential election in US

网络红人 Instant online celebrities

人好 Great people of China

记忆中的“儿童节” Children's Day in the past

父亲节 Father's Day

学习的好习惯 Good habits of study

时尚 Chinese fashion

珍惜假期 Short holidays

街头文化 Street culture

广场舞 Square dance

颜值时代 Times of good looks

美德 Great virture

食品安全 Food safety

运动福常在 Physical exercise

拒绝酒驾 No alcoholic driving

制造 Made in China

出国留学热 Be congested to study abroad

地震的秘密 Secret of earthquake

五险一金 Insurance and housing fund

高考填志愿 University applying

别人家的孩子 Others' children

时间都去哪儿了?Where the time went?

足球 Chinese football

打拐!Cracking down on the abduction of women and children

电动汽车 Electric cars

批判性思维 Critical thinking

女生减肥 Girl's weight losing

有趣的口音 Interesting accent

文明出行 Civilized travel

追星 Star tracer

中华文明 Chinese civilization

中式幽默 Chinese humor

粉丝经济 Fans' economy

里约奥运会 Olympics in Brazil

教师节 Teacher's Day

中秋节 Mid-Autumn Day

国庆节 National Day

家庭暴力法 Domestic Violence Law

毕业求职季 Job Hunting Season for Graduates


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