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      自主掌控学习时间,随到随学,绝不缺课。 专项原创教材辅助,针对提升,。 360°全英文超豪华教学环境,舒适。 时尚乐趣的多味课堂,辅导,课后强化。 让您轻松和考官流利对话 。如果想了解更多详情请在线咨询


1) What will you study in the United States?

2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? What is your favorite subject? Can it be used to military utilities ?

3) What will you do in USA?

4) Are you going to study in USA?

5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?

6) What/where are you working now?

7) How long will you study in USA?

8) Have you any scholarship?

9) What do you want to study in USA?

10) What do you do with your work for MS/phd?

11) What is your purpose for the visa?

12) What is your academic background?

13) How do you know this Univ.?

14) What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? Why? what kind of job can you find in the future?

15) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

16) Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

17) Why do you choose this Univ.?

18) Why do you like your major?

19) Why do you want to study in USA?

20) Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree?

版权所有:搜学搜课(wwww.soxsok com)