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来源:温州新东方英语时间:2024/1/18 11:56:43



  1 基础阶段

  课程简介 —— AT Foundation课程旨在帮助英语基础薄弱学员培养初级词汇、语法、辨音、发音等基本英语语言能力,循序渐进为学员进AT Bridging的学习做好准备。

  适用学员 —— TOEFL实考成绩为40分以下的学员(只可以简单的理解或使用一些日常英语词汇或句型/表达方式)

  2 强化阶段

  课程简介 —— AT Enhancement旨在帮助学生掌握TOEFL考试特点及解题策略,并进一步夯实语言能力。该课程立足于ETS TOEFL指南,深度解析托福考试对学员能力的要求,帮助学员了解托福考试的题目特点(包括题型设置和答题方式等)与练习重点。

  适用学员 ——入班TOEFL实考成绩为60-79分的学员(可以理解托福较常见学术话题的文章/听力内容及细节;


  课程简介—— AT Advance旨在帮助学生进一步提高对于TOEFL考试的认知,并对解题能力点与语言知识查漏补缺。该课程通过大量真题训练与题目设计,并匹配单项老师的口语、写作参考范例,在讲练中夯实语言能力和答题能力。

  适用学员 —— 入班TOEFL实考成绩为70左右的学员;具有一定的词汇量(3500以上)与基础语言能力的学员(可以理解相对复杂的文章/演讲主旨并梳理结构。

  4 进阶阶段

  课程简介—— AT Bridging课程旨在帮助学员对托福考试所需的技能与语言知识形成基础认知。该课程使用ETS合作研发教材,系统地教授考试需要的词汇、语法、发音、听说读写的综合技能,并通过话题与内容引到学生逐步熟悉托福考试的形式特点。

  适用学员 —— 入班TOEFL实考成绩为40分-59分的学员(高一英语水平,词汇量约为2500左右,可以理解熟悉话题结构清晰的文章主旨及在日常环境中发生的对话。


  There are different types of TOEFL questions. You never know which question you will receive, so you must be prepared to write on ALL the types of questions. It is very important that you completely understand the question BEFORE you begin to write. Below are some different essay question types.

  1. Choose a point of view and support that view.

  Example: Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

  This type of question asks you to look at only ONE side of the issue…the side you agree with. DON’T write about both sides. You tell which side you agree with and support your ideas with details and examples.

  2. Describe something.

  Example: If you could invent something NEW, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed?

  In answering this type of question, you MUST be creative. It asks you to describe something NEW, something that does not exist. You must describe it in detail AND tell why it is necessary.

  3. Compare two points of view and tell which one you agree with.

  Example: Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?

  In this type of question, you must write about BOTH sides of this issue and then tell which side you agree with. You may NOT say that you agree with both sides. You MUST make a choice. First, give support, details and examples of both sides of the issue. Then, tell which side you agree with and why.

  4. Agree or disagree with something.

  Example: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ONLY people who earn a lot of money are successful. Do you agree or disagree with this definition of success? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

  In this type of question, you MUST agree or disagree. You cannot be unsure or indecisive. After you have said whether you agree or disagree, you must give convincing reasons and examples for your choice.

  5. Explain why something is true.

  Example: People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  In this question, you should use lots of examples. (For this question, you would use examples of gifts one might receive and tell why those gifts are memorable). Do not write in the first person, “I.” Write in more general terms.

  6. Support an idea or plan.

  Example: It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

  In this question, first tell whether you support or oppose the plan and then tell why. Since this question is somewhat personal, it is ok to use personal pronouns such as: “I, me, my” in your answer.

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