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时间: 2020/10/13 16:57:04


咨询电话:400-6197-466 QQ:214983449穆老师





1.Someone you would like to spend time with

2.An old person you respect

4.A school friend

3.a person who is good at his/her job

5.a teenager点击发音

7.A person you helped

6.a family you are familiar with(not your own)8.a well-known person地点1.A tourist attraction

6.a place for shopping

2.Workplace点击发音3.a place with a lot of water 4.a city you visited 5.Cafe or restaurant

3.A photo

7.a garden you’ve been to

物体1.A book you recently read 2.A game(not sport)you played when you were a child

8.A show/performance you watched

4.A good law in China 5.Some interesting news 6.A special点击发音gift you gave to another person 7.An organization

13.second foreign点击发音language

9.Something that you don't know but would like to learn 10.A white lie 11.an important letter that you received 12.TV program 14.a website 15.handicraft you made

20.an electrical appliance点击发音that is useful to you

16.holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked 17.a film you watched recently 18.a magazine you like to read

19.an interesting animal

版权所有:搜学搜课(wwww.soxsok com)