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时间: 2019/7/25 18:21:43


1、getting the chairperson’s attention 引起会议的注意时常用的口语句子:

(mister/madam) chairman.

may i have a word?

if i may, i think...

excuse me for interrupting.

may i come in here?

2、giving opinions 表达意见时常用的口语句子:

i’m positive that...

i (really) feel that...

in my opinion...

the way i see things...

if you ask me,... i tend to think that...

3. asking for opinions 询问意见时常用的口语句子:

are you positive that...

do you (really) think that...

(name of participant) can we get your input?

how do you feel about...?

4、commenting 做出评论时常用的口语句子:

that’s interesting .

i never thought about it that way before.

good point!

i get your point.

i see what you mean.

5、agreeing 表示同意时常用的口语句子:

i totally agree with you.


that’s (exactly) the way i feel.

i have to agree with (name of participant).

6、disagreeing 表示异议时常用的口语句子:

unfortunately, i see it differently.

up to a point i agree with you, but...

(i’m afraid) i can’t agree

7、advising and suggesting 提出建议时常用的口语句子:


we should...

why don’t you....

how/what about...

i suggest/recommend that...

版权所有:搜学搜课(wwww.soxsok com)