
新概念英语第三册写作:城市VS乡村 哪种生活更好?




I was just Thinking the other day: Everyone I know in the country is weird. At least for my town, which has no Stoplights and one main intersection, we are a little strange, I think. We don't get out much. We think running across the freeway is a thrill. I grew up playing in mud with frogs and snakes. Is that weird?


  I feel like my friends and I have had a somewhat difficult time in mixing with others. I almost feel like if I had lived in the city, I might understand more about other types of people (as I've said before, I am the only Asian in my town, along with my brother) and how they think and interact. I feel at times that I am behind on a lot of things, including how to be cool.


I feel fortunate at the same time that I have grown up in a rural area. I would never trade in my memories of playing in a stream, climbing trees galore, swimming in the river, and hiking up hills for a breathtaking view... all within a half mile from my house. I sometimes feel sorry for my friends who were surrounded by asphalt, concrete, and power lines.  另一方面,我又觉得在乡村长大是一件很幸运的事。说什么我也不会换走我儿时的记忆,那些溪中游戏、攀爬大树、河里游泳、登高望远的美好时光。这些“游乐场所”统统都在离我家不到半英里的地方。有时我会为我那些被沥青、水泥和电线包围长大的朋友们感到悲哀。

 I also think city life is much less healthy, what with all the waves radiating from wireless items like cell phones and Bluetooth, smog, gross water (tap water in the country is so much better than city tap, I can't even explain the difference), garbage... the country is so CLEAN. The sky is soexpansive and the hills so extensive that I couldn't imagine such a thing as disease. The only people I know in my hometown with sicknesses smoke, color their hair, and eat too much aspartame. The people who grow their own vegetables and sit outside during the evenings are pretty healthy, as far as I can see.


 Work may be more difficult if you live in the country - things get pretty dirty, and there's probably more yardwork (we have a big yard with bushes and trees and roses and more). You also have to look out for mountain lions and coyotes where I live... though I guess you have to battle traffic and other such things in the city.  生活在乡村,工作或许会更艰难——有更多的农活,容易把自己搞得一身脏(我们有一个大院子,有灌木、树林、玫瑰花等等)。在我住的地方,你还需要小心山上的狮子和土狼……不过我想在城市生活的你也是需要同交通拥挤之类的事情搏斗。  There are so few people in the country, you can't help but get together sometimes, and we are so close to our neighbors - even our city neighbors with weekend homes - that it's hard to believe.

乡村里人口非常稀少,所以你时常忍不住要同人聚聚,邻里之间亲密无比。也许你很难相信,我们同那些在这里买了房、为了周末来度假的城里人都很亲密。  There are some fascinating structures in Urbania - beautiful buildings, great shows and parades, and breathtaking lights and signs. I envy the diversity as well, in every aspect from ethnicity and culture, sexual orientation, political views, and more. It's also nice how much people have in common where I live, though.


I do like that I can set my own pace while living in the country. In the city, it seems like you're on a zillion schedules, and you have to depend on traffic, coworkers, prices... city life is too fast sometimes, but that can be exciting in a good way, too.


There are pros and cons of city and country life. Please tell me some of your own benefits and/or disadvantages you may know of!  在城市生活和在乡村生活各有各的优缺点。请告诉我你认为它们各有哪些好处或坏处吧。



