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时间: 2018/5/14 17:08:25



1. 评价考官所提问题

That's difficult to answer, but (maybe)…

I'm sorry, but I don't know much about…but perhaps…

Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.

That's an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that…

Yes, that's a big issue.

2. 套话中的连接词



In fact,…

You see,…

You know,…

How shall I put it,…

Let me think for a second,…

Give me a few seconds,…

3. 换一种方式重述

In other words, I am…

And that means…

Let me put it another way,…

What I'm suggesting is…

All I'm trying to say is…

What I'm getting at is…

If I can rephrase that,…

Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say…

The point I'm making is that…


1. 表示首先/的连接词:

First of all, …

The first thing I should mention is …

To begin with …

To start with …

For starters = For openers

For one thing…For another,…

…primarily because…

For starters=For openers 这是两个非常的informal的表达;…primarily because…的意思是"首先是因为。。。",

2. 表达第二,第三,第四个。。。观点:




是个很口语化的表达,意思是"(除了。。),还有。。" 比如:

e.g. Beijing is a gorgeous (非常漂亮的) city, plus it has such an amazing history.


What's more,… 其他的

Another point I could add is …

… too 也

…. as well.

In addition to that,… 除此之外

As well as this/that,…

As well as this/that 放在句首也经常用来引出进一步的承接,是很常用的口语表达,大家可以多尝试去用用。

3. 表示强调的连接词

Most importantly,… 重要的是

On top of that,…

On top of that…这个也很赞的,表示关键的/重要的是。

By the way,… 另外想表示强调还可以用especially…, particularly, in particular这样的表达。



All in all,…

In a nutshell,…

In short,…

So it's no exaggeration to say that …

That's pretty much it. 可以放在句末做结束语"我想说的就这些"

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