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时间: 2019/2/28 8:48:06


1.I’ve got news for you.我要告诉你一个好消息。

2.I’ve got no idea.我不知道。

3.I’ve had enough.我已经吃饱了。

4.if I were in your shoes.如果我站在你的立场上。

5.Is that OK?这样可以吗?

6.Is this seat taken?这位子有人坐吗?

7.It all depends.视情形而定。

8.It can happen to anyone.这事可能发生在任何人身上。

9.It doesn’t make any difference.都一样。

10.It doesn’t matter to me.这对我来说无所谓。

11.Its up to you.由你决定。

12.I envy you.我羡慕你。

13.Where can I wash my hands?请问洗手间在哪里?

14.Whats the weather like today?今天天气如何?

15.Where are you headed[朝…方向行进]?你要到哪里去?

16.I wasnt born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩。

17.It’s a small world.世界真小!

18.The sooner the better.越快越好。

19.Take your time.慢慢来/别着急。

20.Let’s go visit them.让我们去拜访他们吧。

21.Let’s talk over dinner.我们边吃边谈吧。

22.Long time no see.好久不见。

23.Look before you leap.三思而后行。

24.May I ask you a question?我可以问一个问题吗?

25.May I have a receipt?我可以要一张收据吗?

26.May I have your name,please?请问你叫什么名字?

27.May I pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡付款吗?

28.May I try it on?我能试穿一下吗?

29.Maybe it will work.也许这个办法会有效。

30.How do I address you?我怎么称呼你?

31.What was your name again?请再说一次名字好吗?

32.She turns me off.她使我厌烦。

33.So far so good.目前为止,一切都好。

34.Without further ado.废话少数,言归正传

35.Have/get your back.我挺你,我支持你。

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