


时间:2019/9/12 17:23:30




  Describe something you bought but do not use often

  Describe a party that you joined


  You should say:

  When it took place

  Where it was

  Whose party it was

  What you did there

  And how you felt about the party

  高中毕业那会,我们班所有人在一家西餐店包场,举办了毕业聚会,那是一家比较有名的聚会地,各种 设施很齐全,我们用幻灯片回顾了我们高中生活的点点滴滴,畅所欲言,告别过去,憧憬大学生活。。 Upon the high school graduation day(高中毕业之季), we booked a whole western restaurant to celebrate the graduation ceremony. It was three years ago, but now I think about it, it only feels like yesterday(记忆尤新). That was a rather classic restaurant which is often booked for important events or celebrations. They had great facilities there and the staff are excellent! They could light up the atmosphere(调动气氛) with the magic of light, depending on the kind of celebration the customers want. We had dark blue light that day, for a farewell party(一个告别派队). Well, you know, for graduation, it’s always complicated feelings. It puts an end to the memorable past, and it’s also a new beginning for the next chapter in life. We made a photo album of our past three years in high school and reviewed them one by one on the projector. For each picture, everyone could say something about how they remembered the picture was taken. As we flipped through the photos, we deeply realized that it was a departure party. We were all lucky to be accepted by universities but, by different universities, and in different cities. We had so many hopes for the college life, but also nervous. Not knowing whether we could adapt to the new city or get along with new classmates who came from different parts of the country, we spent a long time assuming(我们用了很长时间去假设) what we could do and would do to help one another if anyone does run into such troubles. Our teacher was encouraged the whole time and spoke frankly about everyone’s advantages. Well, honestly, I never imagined that my teacher was so observant and generous with praise! Since she always wore a straight face telling us to study hard in the past three years! After all, it was not a particularly exciting party, but it was memorable. We really stuck together(非常团结) as a team to help out one another in the freshman year in college. That kind of help, I will never forget.



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