


时间:2019/8/3 14:39:40


When you’re in your 30s you’ve reached a critical point in your career. You’ve got a good amount of experience under your belt, you’ve been promoted a few times, and you’ve got a decent salary.


But, as Stephen Covey said:

但是,正如Stephen Covey(史蒂芬·柯维,美国管理学大师)所说:

“It doesn’t really matter how fast you’re going if you’re heading in the wrong direction.”


Having the right goals in place is fundamental to successfully achieving them, and for that achievement to really contribute to your happiness and life satisfaction. So the number one priority at this stage is getting clarity on what your priorities actually are!


A great way to do this is to define your personal values, getting to a list of your top three is ideal. Then ask yourself if these values are really reflected in your career and your lifestyle today. If not, you can go about setting goals that are aligned with those values, and then creating an action plan to achieve those goals.


Signs that you should move on


1. Your key strengths and skills are not being leveraged:


If you find that you’re unable to use your experience and abilities in your current role, it may be time to look for a role that’s a better fit for your profile. The same applies if you’re not being recognised and appreciated for the value you’re adding to the business.


2.You’ve stopped learning and growing:


If every aspect of your role starts to feel routine, if you’re constantly bored and you feel you no longer have any opportunities to grow either in this role or in another role at your current company, then you’d do better to seek a new challenge.


3.The positives no longer outweigh the negatives:


If your salary no longer makes up for the stress and overtime, if the fun times become less and less frequent, if the interesting projects no longer compensate for the dull tasks, then you may want to look for a job where the balance is more in your favour.


4.Your values are misaligned with the company’s:

4. 你的价值观与公司的不一致:

If you find yourself disagreeing with the overall company direction, or your boss’s decisions are counter to what you believe, and fundamentally you realise that your values are not aligned with those of the company, the right thing for both you and your boss will be to find a role that’s a better match for what you believe in.


5. You have a burning desire to do something else:

5. 你急切希望做别的事情。

If your gut tells you it’s time to move on, if you have a passion that you’ve been dreaming of following for years, if you have a business idea that’s clearly formed in your head, then now may be the time to make it a reality; even if it means starting at a lower level.


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