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时间: 2013/10/6 14:47:00


(1)你要约会对吧,to go out with someone or date someone,

A:I heard John is dating Cliton. B:which Cliton?

A:Hilary cliton! B:WOW,that’s cool,I can’t believe he’s been going out with Cliton!!!(John正在跟Cliton约会!我真不敢相信!)

(2)有时候会争吵吧,to be on the rocks关系很僵 our relationship has been on the rocks since he started working for WELL industry 自从他在韦沃工业上班以后,我们的关系就开始变得很僵。

(3)风风雨雨都过来之后,关键时刻到来了,你需要pop the question求婚,A:WOW ,Jack,you are sweating like a pig?what happened? B:I am fine,I am going to pop the question tonight,I am a little nervous.(Jack,你这是怎么了,流这么多汗?B:我今晚要求婚,我有点紧张)

(4)求婚成功,是时候tie the knot结婚了,come on Lisa,you need to dump him, he is not gonna tie the knot.Lisa,把他甩了吧,他是不会想要结婚的。

好的,关于爱的话题今天就讲到这里,Are you ready to pop the question”will you marry me” or Are you ready to tie the knot?

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