

来源:天津学为贵雅思托福培训学校时间:2022/11/15 16:00:33



    雅思口语新题Part2&3之A Gift You Would Like To Give礼物

  Part 2

  A Gift You Would Like To Give

  Describe a handmade gift you would like to give to a friend.

  You should say:

  1.who you would like to give this gift to

  2.what the gift would be

  3.how much it would cost

  4.and explain why you would like to give this gift to this person.

  Part 3

  1. Why do people give gifts to others?

  2. When do people in your country give gifts?

  3. What should people consider when choosing a gift?

  4. Do you think some parents give too many things to their children?

  5. Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation?

  雅思口语新题Part2&3之A Vehicle You Want To Buy车辆

  Part 2

  A Vehicle You Want To Buy

  Describe a vehicle you would like to buy.

  You should say:

  1.what kind of vehicle

  2.why you would like to have it

  3.how you would get it

  4.and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.

  Part 3

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?

  2. What are the advantages to society of having more people using mass transportation?

  3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using mass transportation.

  4. Why do some people have to travel a long distance every day to go to work?

  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the centre of a city and living in the suburbs of a city?

  • 上一篇:天津雅思一对一培训机构哪家名气大
  • 下一篇:天津和平区雅思封闭式培训学校
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