

来源:天津学为贵雅思托福培训学校时间:2022/9/19 9:40:38

天津南开区10大托福培训机构推荐 .小编为大家介绍.天津学为贵专注雅思考试托福考试培训,英澳0元留学,北美留学规划等出国培训服务,针对不同学员的自身情况量身打造雅思托福学习方案及留学规划

 Click on a position to add the sentence to the passage.

  A: position 1 B: Position 2 C: Position 3 D: Position 4


  1. 理解要插入的句子:These tales included grotesque, comic, and poetic descriptions, character sketches, and narratives, gusts of feeling, delicate ironies, and astute observations. 我们看这个句子是主、谓、宾结构,其中宾语为一些列的并列名词和短语。

  2. 寻找衔接词:这个句子的衔接词为:These tales

  3. 分析这个句子和上下文的关系:位置1 不可能,因为它后面的句子是一个主题型句子,即,提出论点,而我们要插入的句子为一个小点,属于论据。然后看位置2,这里出现了和我们要加入句子一样的信息点Some of their talk took the form of tales and vignettes told for their own sake.显然句子放在位置2是不行的;位置3后面的句子是对其前面句子for their own sake的进一步解释。所以较后只能是位置4了。

  4. 把这个句带入各个位置。

  5. 检查每个位置,位置4是较恰当的。



  Native Americans

  Native Americans were living in North America for many hundreds of years before Europeans reached the continent. For a long time white people called them Indians. Today, many people do not like this name since it is based on a mistake: it was given to the people living in the Americas by Christopher _olumbus who, when he arrived there, thought he had discovered India. Instead, people prefer to use the term Native Americans. There are also native peoples living in _laska and Canada, e.g. _nuit’s and Aleuts, but they are separate groups and are not called Native Americans.

  Early contact with Europeans

  in _re-Columbian North America there were many tribes who lived by hunting animals and gathering plants. Many of the tribes moved from one place to another according to the season and what food was available. Most of what is known about Native Americans dates from the time when they came into contact with Europeans.

  The first place in the US where Europeans settled permanently was _amestown, Virginia, founded in 1607. At first Native Americans were positive about the Europeans and were happy to have the many new things they brought, e.g. metal cooking pots, cloth and guns. But the Europeans also introduced diseases that Native Americans had no resistance to, so many became ill and died. They also brought alcohol, the effects of which Native Americans did not know. Some Europeans took advantage of this by getting them drunk and then paying low prices for their goods.

  The worst problem for Native Americans, which lasted into the late 20th century, was that the new settlers wanted their land. To Native Americans owning land was a strange idea. Tribes moved around as they pleased and shared land with any other tribe that was friendly. They did not understand that a person might believe a piece of land was theirs, or that they would try to keep others from using it. The settlers, on the other hand, assumed that they would take control of North America and used all means to do this, including making agreements, which they usually did not keep, tricking Native Americans into selling land cheaply, and taking it by military force. Native American chiefs like _itting Bull, _ecumseh and _eronimo fought against the settlers.

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