

来源:广州英孚成人英语培训学校时间:2021/5/6 10:02:37




To galvanize your job search and lead you to your new dream job, your communications with any prospective employer — whether via phone, email or during a job interview — must incorporate these three messages:为了让你找工作少走弯路并终找到理想的工作,无论通过电话、电子邮件或是工作面试,你在与任何潜在雇主的交流中都应该包括以下三点信息:

1. Here's what I've got.这是我已经能做的。

You’ll notice this isn’t “Here’s what I know.” Your employer doesn’t care about what you know. In fact, what you know has little relevance to your employer.可能你注意到了,我说的不是“这是我已经知道的。”你老板不会关心你所知道的。事实上,你知道的那些和你老板一点关系也没有。

It’s what you can do with what you know that really counts. Nothing else matters, but this is where the majority of people go wrong.真正重要的是你用知识能做些什么;别的什么不重要,但这恰恰是大部分人误解的地方。

Just because you have specialized knowledge doesn’t mean you should be employed.只因为你有专业知识就录用你是说不过去的。

2. Here's what I will do for you.这是我能为贵公司做的

This is the step where you demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.通过这一步,你可以向老板展示你对这个职位的热情。

Your attitude will come through in your interactions, so being positive is important. A negative attitude can be poisonous in this step.你的态度会在你们互动的过程中显露出来,所以保持积极的态度是很重要的。消极的态度在这里是致命的。

Keep in mind that many candidates have experienced the same hardships, but they bring positivity to their interviews. That positivity is not just contagious; it makes people want to work with you.你要记住——很多其他的求职者处境也很艰难,但是他们在面试中表现得很积极。积极的态度能够影响他人,也会让别人愿意和你共事。

3. Here's what I want you to do next for me.这是我想让贵公司提供给我的。

Don’t ask about compensation and benefits. Instead, let the interviewer broach those topics. Interviewers will often ask applicants what compensation they’re seeking.不要自己开口问报酬和福利,而是要让面试官打开这个话题。面试官通常会询问求职者的预期薪酬。

When asked this question, a lot of interviewees will say they don’t know or cite a too-high or too-low figure based on guesswork.当回答这个问题的时候,很多面试者会说不知道,或者仅凭臆想说出一个过高或过低的数目。

In summary, employers are mostly interested in what you can do for them. They really don’t care about your background, except with respect to how you can use it for their benefit.总的来说,雇主关心的是你能为公司做什么。他们不会关心你的背景,除非你的背景能为公司创收

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