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时间: 2017/8/23 14:41:25




How fantastic this performance is!这场演出是多么美妙啊!

不能说成:This performance is how fantastic!

What a beautiful day it is today!今天天气多好啊!

不能说成: It is what a beautiful day today!

2) 当谓语动词为COME, SIT, LIE, STAND, SINK, erect等不及物动词,且句子没有宾语,而主语又比较长的时候,我们通常可以把状语放到句首,把谓语放到主语的前面,其目的在于避免句子出现“头重脚轻”的现象,或者为了使前后内容的联系更加的紧密:

At the door arrived the accomplice to claim his share of the money robbed from the bank.参与银行抢劫的一个同谋到达了门外,来认领他的那一份赃款。

而如下正叙语序虽然语法上没有错误,但是表述得平淡无奇,仿佛在记“流水账”:The accomplice arrived at the door to claim his share of the money robbed from the bank.

We arrived in Washington DC at long last. In the middle of this city stands the lofty Monument symbolizing the 


In front of the porch lies a gigantic swimming pool.门廊前有一个庞大的游泳池。

At the farend of the road stands a traffic policeman directing the traffic.路的尽头站着一名正在指挥着交通的交警。


Gone forever are those days when people used candle light under which to read a book. 人们在蜡烛光下来阅读书刊的日子已经一去不复返了。

On a note card attached to the doll appear the following words, “Happy birthday to you, Mary!”系在娃娃上的一张卡片上写着这样的字:“祝你生日快乐,MARY!”

Of the greatest significance to me thus far in my life was my being admitted into Harvard University one year ago. 


The most outstanding amongst Chinese athletes is Liu Xiang, I believe.我认为运动员中较杰出的是刘翔。

Adjacent to my house is a supermarket.我房子的旁边就是一家超市。

Standing next to the door was my mother. 站在门旁边的就是我的妈妈。


Do how you will, she wouldn’t be satisfied.不管你做什么,她都不会满意。

Happen what may, we will back you.不管发生什么,我们都将支持你。

Celebrated as he is, he remains modest.虽然他很有名,但是他仍然很谦虚。

Try as sheshould, she failed to install the software onto this computer with success.虽然她尽力尝试了,但是仍然没有成功将该软件安装到这台电脑上。

However complicated the process of US EB-5 immigrant visa application may be, we will go through it.不管美国EB-5移民签证的程序是多么的复杂,我们会去申请。



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