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时间: 2016/3/22 11:48:30

咨询电话:400-004-1972   常老师QQ 1063189942


 雅思口语剧情简单的Part 2,怎么跟雅思考官说个两分钟呢!那就是,先来几句“靠题”的“废话”,再开始讲故事,加点儿不重要的细节,再来点儿心里感受,应该就可以“出锅”了。

  比如还是雅思口语里那道describe someone who has apologized to you, 如果真的是全世界没有人做过对不起你的事儿,或者真的做了但是没有人跟你道过歉,所以你满脑袋想的,只有时代别人弄丢你的橡皮,哭着喊着求你原谅,但是又觉着跟雅思考官讲这个略显幼稚,而且三句话就可以讲完的故事,咋说那么久捏!没关系,雅思考官在乎的,只是你有没有开口讲的勇气。而且这个故事还有一点优势,那就是,大家应该碰不到不会的表达。走起:

  Actually, off the top off my head, I couldn’t think of anyone who has done something wrong and said sorry to me, but if I have to name one person, then it would be my desk mate in primary school. It was actually not something worth talking about, but to be honest, it’s the only story I can think of right now.

  Back then, all the girls in my class were crazy about collecting adorable erasers, it was like some kind of silly trend that everyone would follow. You know how primary school students are like, right? Anyway, one day, my desk mate borrowed one of my favorite erasers for a quiz, because she lost hers. But she forgot to return it afterwards, and a few days later, she said to me, she lost my eraser. She couldn’t remember where she put it. And she looked everywhere but just couldn’t find it. I felt upset because it was my favorite one, and I got it a while back so I didn’t think it would be still available in the store. But my desk mate was terribly sorry, and she bought a new one for me, although it didn't look exactly like the one she lost, it would reflect badly on me if I didn’t forgive her.

  So that’s pretty much it.


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