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时间: 2016/3/13 15:08:04

咨询电话:400-004-1972   常老师QQ 1063189942




  对顺序路标词的记忆有利于掌握speaker的节奏,以免跟丢题目。尤其是在流程图一类的填空题中,或是描述实验步骤的独白,这些词可称之为Marker words/phrases, 有时根据此类词可以判断音调突然转变,应当多加留心。

  first, first of all ,for a start, in the first place, to begin with ...   second, followed by, third ,then , next , previously, before that finally, last, for one thing ,for another, meanwhile, until ,subsequently

  Now tell me ... And now (we will) ... Before I move on to ... Next, I’d like to ... Right, so the first thing ... And what about...? Well, that’s about it, except for ... I’d like not to move on to ... One more thing Finally, can you tell us...



  That is, That is to say, I mean, namely, in particular, specially

  especially, actually, to be exact, in other words, another way of saying this, Let’s put it this way, equally, etc.



  强转折: but, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, yet, while, whereas

  让步:Although, though, even if, in spite of, despite

  对比:by/in contrast, by comparison, as a matter of fact, instead, otherwise   Eg. Most people tend to book twenty-four hours in advance…however, the earliest you book a computer is forty-eight hours before you need it.

  题目:Computer can be booked up to ___hours in advance.   如果注意到however一词,可知个数字24小时是个陷阱,而正确答案应为48小时。



  for instance, for example, such as, like, likewise, similarly

  in addition to, one more thing, what’s more , furthermore, besides, also, too, as well as, moreover, together with, not only…but also, etc.



  其后跟“因”的信号词: for, since, for the reason that, because, thanks to, owing to, due to, as a result of, originate from, etc.

  其后跟“果”的信号词: As a result, therefore, so, consequently, thus, lead to, result in, trigger, account for, give rise to, bring about, breed, etc.

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