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时间: 2014/12/25 15:27:00

Describe an old person who you respect or admire.
    You should say:
    Who the person is
    How you know the person
    What kind of person he or she is
And explain why you respect or admire the person.

One old person whom I greatly respect and admire is my friend Reed Taylor who lives in Buffalo, New York, which is in the Northeastern United States. He's 85 years old and I met him when I was on vacation in Hawai'i back in 2010. He happened to be swimming in the ocean nearby, and we started to talking and became friends right away.

Reed is an extremely fascinating man. He has been a teacher his whole life. He told me that his wife had died recently, and he wanted to visit some of the places he had taught such as Hawai'i and Africa. Recently, he spends his time volunteering at a school near his home where he tutors underprivileged children, and he loves to sing in the choir at his church. Every so often he visits me in California and we always find the time to have a lovely dinner together. Reed is very kind and interesting, so I can listen to him tell me stories for hours.

I respect Reed because he has dedicated his life to education which is also a passion of mine…and I admire him because even though his wife of many years passed away, it did not stop him from living the rest of his life traveling and volunteering to help others. 

I hope when I'm 85, I'm a lot like Reed.

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