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keep your eye on the ball 全神贯注


时间: 2016/11/7 9:18:54

keep your eye on the ball 全神贯注

In English, when we want someone to give their complete attention to something, we say ‘keep your eye on the ball’.

For example, you can use this idiom like this:

1. You should keep your eye on the ball if you want to keep your job.

2. It must be very difficult to learn how to drive that car but I will try my best to keep my eye on the ball.

3. When you do your homework, it's quite difficult to keep your eye on the ball, while someone is listening to music in a very loud way.

Now, do you get it?

Next time, please try to use “keep your eye on the ball” in an appropriate situation.

See you next time!



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