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Sugar daddy 甜爹


时间: 2016/11/8 11:27:34

Sugar daddy 甜爹

Sugar daddy 甜爹(给年轻女人钱财或贵重礼物获取欢心的老男人)

In English, people call the old men, who have big fortune, spend lots of money on the young girls in order to exchange for their company or close relationship.

For example:

1. The news suggested young women to stay safe and stay away from the sugar daddies.

2. She is with an old men these days, I thought he might be her father, but it turns out that he is her sugar daddy. That’s why she can wear stunning jewelry and clothing.

3. Surprisingly, most of these "sugar daddies" are government officials, civil servants, company directors, doctors and teachers.

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