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Hello! My name isElizabeth, but you can call me Liz or Liza.I come from one of the most beautiful places on Earth -South Africa.South Africais famous for its diamonds, wild animals, and Great White Sharks. My hometown isPretoria, which is the capital city ofSouth Africa, and nicknamed theJacarandaCityafter the abundance of purple-flowered trees that grow there. Pretorians believe that if a Jacaranda blossom falls on your head, you will pass all your exams. So, I often walked under these trees while I was studying at theUniversityofPretoria. I graduated in 1998 with a Bachelor's Degree in English and Publishing. I later realized that publishing was not my cup of tea, so I furthered my studies, this time in the field of education. While I was living inEngland, I completed a TEFL diploma inLondon, and later obtained a degree in primary school education through theUniversityofSouth Africa. I started teaching at a government school inXiangtan City,HunanProvince in 2003. After saying goodbye toHunan, which is definitely my favourite place inChina, I came toShanghaito experience life in a big city.

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