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时间: 2016/11/15 10:34:11

Enlish Archaeologists want to enlist the help of the public as they attempt to tackle what they describe as the "final frontier": England’s coastline.


They hope to establish a network of volunteers around the nation to survey and monitor stretches of the shore. Thousands of sites are being lost to the sea before they have been recorded by experts, they observed.


The three-year project is being hosted by a team from the Museum of London Archaeology . "Our coastal and intertidal zone is our new frontier," explained project leader Gustav Milne. "We have more or less sorted out things on land. Now it is time to tackle the blue frontier - the final frontier."

该项目为期三年,由伦敦考古博物馆主办。项目Gustav Milne表示:“沿海以及潮间地区是我们研究的新领域。我们差不多已经弄清楚陆地上的生物。现在该是了解蓝色领域了,这是领域。”

The Coastal and Intertidal Zone Archaeology Network is looking for volunteers to help create a team of people that will be able to survey and monitor archaeologically important sites.


"What we are trying to do is to train up some people that have archaeological experience initially to become mentors so they can set up a small team in their area so then they can focus on a key site that they can survey and then monitor." Mr Milne said.


Mr Milne explained that it was important to establish such a network because sites could appear without warning. "Or it could be that stuff that was there was suddenly gone. We don’t know when it is going to happen so that is why we need this constant survey monitoring."


Mr Milne said that a good example of the importance of having eyes on the ground was the sudden appearance of prehistoric burial mounds at a site in Northumberland. "Because people were down there looking, they noticed these mounds being washed out of the cliffs," he recalled.


Ben Greener, historic environment advisor, said: "Our coastlines are an enormous repository of the remains of war defences, industry and ancient settlements providing a fascinating insight into the history of this island nation."

历史环境顾问Ben Greener表示:“海岸线是战争防御、工业化以及古代聚落遗址的巨大宝藏,蕴含了对岛国历史的深刻见解。”



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