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时间: 2019/8/1 11:11:46

  Describe an achievement that you are proud ofYou should say:What it wasWhen, where, and how you do itHow difficult it wasWhy you are proud of it范文解析这道题目要求考生描述自己觉得骄傲的成就,具体的小问题需要回答这项成就是什么;你在什么时候、什么地点如何取得了这项成就;难度如何;你为什么以此为骄傲。


  中文大纲成就:4 个月减了 8 斤时间、地点及方式:快走、杜绝垃圾食品、饮食更加健康难度:拒绝诱惑非常困难感受:很自豪,喜欢健康苗条的自己范文Well, it's probably hard to believe that I lost 8 kilos in about 4 months last year, and this is what I'm still enormously proud of.

  I have to admit that I used to be a very lazy person and I am a huge fan of junk food. I never did any exercise. Being slim back then, I never imagined that one day being overweight would become my number one problem. When I realized that I was so fat and unhealthy, I decided to lose weight no matter what.

  Then I got started. I went jogging every morning and walked fast for 3 kilometers every evening. I totally got rid of junk food, which used to be my daily routine, and I was on a diet for a long time, by which I mean I only ate healthy food such as vegetables, fruits and occasionally some chicken. I even cooked food in a healthier way such as boiling, baking and stewing. I read it somewhere that it is better to have a little of something for one meal and do this a few times a day. I did it as what I read along with the exercise for 4 straight months. As a result, I made it. I lost like tons of weight.

  Now I am quite fit. I'm so proud of reaching my goal and being slim again. It was really hard. Changing diet habit is like a mission impossible. At some point, I was about to give up, because I could not resist the temptation of delicious food. Luckily. I was quite sober-minded, and I know exactly what I want. I want to be fit and confident. I am so determined that I have never been like this determined before.

  Nobody knows what I have been through during these months. It was a battle against fat, calories and myself. I did it! I'm so proud!

  重点表达enormously adj. 大大,巨大地slim adj. 细长的,苗条的stew vt. 炖,煨

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