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时间: 2019/8/8 15:29:10

  Be strongly obsessed with sbobsess v.使痴迷;使迷恋He was obsessed with the American films.


  另外,obsessed也可以替换成其他类似的单词:be fascinated by someonebe crazy about sbbe crush on sb都表示对某人"一见倾心;疯狂迷恋"On the spur of the momentspur /sp??r/刺激on the spur of the moment一时冲动,冲晕了头脑;不够理智这个短语大家可能比较陌生,但是它在《生活大爆炸》中出现过。

  On the spur of the moment,he asked her to marry him.


  go to one's head使...冲昏头脑;使...飘飘然Please never let fame and money go to your head.


  The excitement went to his head.


  电视剧中的佟年是位很受欢迎的网络歌手,a popular online singer。

  也是位高智商的女学霸,a straight-A girl student with high IQ。

  剧中的韩商言则是网络安全行业的,a cybersecurity professional。

  cyber是一个前缀,音/sa?.b?-/。这个词缀的意思是“involving, using, or relating to computers, especially the internet”,也就是和电脑尤其互联网相关的。比如网络犯罪就是cybercrime,网吧可以说cybercafé或者internet café。

  professional,经常做形容词“专业的”。这里是个名词,表示人-,a person who has the type of job that needs a high level of education and training,和amateur是相对的。


  And just like Jamie Dornan in the film Fifty Shades of Grey, Li has become the latest "McDreamy" for viewers in China. It is no exaggeration to see many young Chinese women have shown their admiration for the actor on social media.

  ◆Jamie Dornan是《五十度灰》的男主,因为《五十度灰》大火。


  英文解释为A man who is charming, devilishly handsome and basically the kinda guy every girl goes to sleep dreaming about.

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