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时间: 2012/9/27 9:44:00

青岛英 语培训:时代文摘上的短语all in the same boat
to be sharing the same difficult circumstances, often with others who would normally be competitors
    When bad weather discouraged tourists from coming to the popular seacoast resort town, the managers of the different hotels in the town knew they were all in the same boat and decided to work cooperatively with one another.

armed to the teeth
equipped with everything one needs for action
    The worried company president had full financial statements, sales reports, new product ideas, letters of praise from major customers, and proposals for increased growth when he arrived to make his annual report to the hostile board of directors; he was armed to the teeth.

very modern in style; possibly experimental or self-consciously artistic
FRENCH military term “forward guard,” soldiers who lead an attack
    The young employees of the New York advertising agency always wore dramatic, avant-garde clothing so their clients would think they were modern and know

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