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时间: 2018/9/12 14:50:47







TPO 09-Reflection in Teaching

TPO 11-Ancient Egyptian Sculpture

TPO 14-Children and Advertising

TPO 15-A Warm Blooded Turtle

TPO 22-Spartina

TPO 26-Energy and the Industrial Revolution

TPO 29-Characteristics of Roman Pottery

TPO 30-Role of Play in Development

TPO 33-Railroads and Commercial Agriculture in Nineteenth Century

TPO 43-The Empire of Alexander the Great

TPO 45-Wind pollination

TPO 47-Roman Cultural Influence on Britain


TPO 02-Early Cinema

TPO 06-Powering the Industrial Revolution

TPO 09-The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii

TPO 12-Transition to Sound in Film

TPO 16-Development of the Periodic Table

TPO 19-Succession Climax and Ecosystems

TPO 29-The History of Waterpower

TPO 34-Islamic Art and the Book

TPO 34-The Development of Steam Power

TPO 40-Ancient Athens

TPO 46-The Origins of Writing


TPO 04-Deer Populations of the Puget Sound

TPO 07-Ancient Rome and Greece

TPO 12-Water in the Desert

TPO 13-Types of Social Groups

TPO 16-Planets in Our Solar System

TPO 17-Animal Signals in the Rain Forest

TPO 17-Symbiotic Relationships

TPO 20-Fossil Preservation

TPO 28-Buck Rubs and Buck Scrapes

TPO 32-Plant Colonization

TPO 42-Callisto and Ganymede

TPO 45-Feeding Strategies in the Ocean


TPO 02-Desert Formation

TPO 05-The Cambrian Explosion

TPO 06-Infantile Amnesia

TPO 08-The Rise of Teotihuacán

TPO 10-Variations in the Climate

TPO 10-Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth

TPO 18-Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia

TPO 18-Lightning

TPO 20-Westward Migration

TPO 21-Autobiographical Memory

TPO 24-Moving into Pueblos

TPO 29–Competition

TPO 31-Savanna Formation

TPO 32-Siam 1851–1910

TPO 40-Latitude and Biodiversity

TPO 42-Explaining Dinosaur Extinction

TPO 48-Chinese Population Growth

TPO 48-Climate and Urban Development


TPO 04-Petroleum Resources

TPO 13-Methods of Studying Infant Perception


TPO 01-The Origins of Theater

TPO 02-The Origins of Cetaceans

TPO 07-The Geologic History of the Mediterranean

TPO 09-Colonizing the Americas via the Northwest Coast

TPO 11-Begging by Nestlings

TPO 11-Orientation and Navigation

TPO 12-Which Hand Did They Use

TPO 14-Pastoralism in Ancient Inner Eurasia

TPO 15-Mass Extinctions

TPO 21-The Origins of Agriculture

TPO 26-Sumer and the First Cities of the Ancient Near East

TPO 31-Speciation in Geographically Isolated Populations

TPO 34-Protection of Plants by Insects

TPO 41-Trade and Early State Formation

TPO 43-The Origin of Petroleum

TPO 46-Ecosystem Diversity and Stability

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