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来源:西安环球雅思托福培训学校时间:2020/7/22 14:41:09




1.at sb's service愿为某人服务

I am at your service at any time。

2.around the clock 24小时不停

Martha studied around the clock for management exam。

3.as far as I know就我所知

But as far as I know,he once won the world champion at the Olympic Games。

4.at home with对……很熟悉

She is at home with problems like this。

5.back out


A:Wasn't Bert supposed to sing tonight?

B:Yes,but he backed out at last minute。


She finally backed out of her promise。

6.be cut out for适合于,有做某事物的天赋

She is cut out for a dancer。

7.be absorbed in全神贯注于某事物

She has been absorbed in a horrorfiction.I can't tear her away。

8.be addicted to对某事物上瘾

She has been addicted to drugs for years。

9.be attached to对某事物有感情

A:I'm amazed that you are still driving that old car of yours.I thought you would have gotten rid of it years ago。

B:It runs well and I've actually been quite attached to it。

10.a change of pace改变步调;换口味

You can't do these chemistry experiments all day long.You certainly need a change of pace。

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