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来源:深圳艺术作品集培训时间:2019/3/8 14:18:10



对于艺术中心设计学院研究生工业设计专业的介绍,除了“Industrial Design”,工业设计,我们额外加入专业“Transportation Systems and Design”为大家介绍。原因在于艺术中心设计学院本科工业设计专业(交通工具设计)也是同学们非常关注的专业。

艺术中心设计学院研究生工业设计专业-- Industrial Design

ArtCenter’s “Grad ID” program offers a Master of Science curriculum combining the pursuit of extraordinary design and making skills with the knowledge, theories and methods that are essential for creating new value for enterprise and social innovation in a context of complex and unstructured challenges.

Our faculty of internationally renowned educators and professionals work with students in a design studio environment where they're encouraged to create with a consciousness that their designs exist in a larger context. Our methodology, Strategic Innovation, takes a forward looking systems-level view and strives to balance the business, technological and human aspects of each design opportunity. This broadly applicable creative process produces empathetic solutions to essential human needs so that designers and enterprises can be resilient and grow.

Grad ID has also joined forces with Claremont Graduate University’s Drucker School of Management to offer a dual MS/MBA degree track in Innovation Systems Design (ISD). The two-year program prepares tomorrow’s innovation leaders by combining business strategy, leadership and management acumen with the rigorous development of creative skills and design innovation methodology.



艺术中心设计学院研究生工业设计与克莱蒙特研究大学的“Drucker School of Management”联合推出MS/MBA双学位。这是一个两年的专业,将商业战略、能力和管理智慧与严谨的创新技能和设计创新方法相结合,为明天的创新做准备

艺术中心设计学院研究生工业设计专业-- Transportation Systems and Design

Our Master of Science program has been designed to attract students passionate about the automotive industry and the expansive field of transportation and personal mobility. The innovative curriculum encourages creativity and strategic thinking to create compelling transportation solutions for the automotive industry at a systems level, rather than a product level.

Because design brings value well beyond the areas of product and service development, our curriculum encompasses a combination of design methodology, strategic innovation, systems thinking, customer-driven research and entrepreneurial practices. The program’s community of students—often with prior degrees in design, architecture, urban planning, business, engineering, anthropology and economics—brings diverse perspectives and stimulates the transdisciplinary culture essential to advance the future of transportation design.

“Transportation Systems and Design”是为了对于汽车工业、个人交通出行、交通领域有浓厚兴趣的同学而设计的。此创新课程鼓励学生具备创造性以及战略思想,在系统层面而非生产层级为汽车产业创造令人惊艳的的解决方案。

由于设计带来的价值远远超出了产品和服务领域,所以课程结合了设计方法学、战略创新、系统层级的思考、以客户为驱动的研究和创业实践。“Transportation Systems and Design”的学生往往在设计、建筑、城市规划度,商业、工程、人类学、经济学具有相关经验,通过多的知识推进未来的交通工具设计。

版权所有:搜学搜课(wwww.soxsok com)