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来源:厦门英学教育时间:2019/1/17 14:43:59





2019年1月5日 托福考试-口语部分

Task 1

(与2018.10.27 task1 重复)


1. better public speaker

2. improve the photography skill

3. business


Personally, I prefer to learn to be a better public speaker.

It’s not only practical for collage students but also beneficial for all students in later jobs or business. To be specific, as collage students, we usually have class presentation, which requires us to speak in front of the whole class. If we have been trained to be  good public speakers, things would be much easier when it comes to presentation. As a good result, we could have a better performance in a lot courses.

Besides, after graduation, some of us will have to interview for job positions. Expressing ourselves clearly and with confidence could leave a good impressionon interviewers. In this case ,we have better chances to get ideal job offers.

Task 2

(与2017.1.7 task2重复)

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Friends should be able to disagree with each other and still maintain their friendship.

Use details and examples to explain your opinion.


I agree with the statement that friends should be able to disagree with each other and still maintain their friendship.

First, people are born differently, and friends are raised in different family backgrounds. That means there must be disagreements between any two or more people. Like, I think it’s not a necessity to go back homeon every traditional holiday. While my best friend Emma goes back home on holiday even if there is important exam at school, which I couldn’t understand but it doesn’t influence our friendship.

Moreover, sometimes I think it’s better for friends to have different thoughts about things. In this case, friends could exchange ideas and perspectives to broaden horizon and avoid being narrow minded.

2019年1月5日 托福考试-写作部分



阅读:有一种海洋吸尘器(oceancleanup array)可以收集并清除海洋里的塑料碎片。











The lecture raises several arguments to counter the reading’s point that an ocean cleanup array can effectively deal with ocean plastic debris.

First, the reading points out the ocean cleanup array is rather cheap because ocean current is used to transport debris to the device. On the contrary, the lecture holds the opposite opinion that such a device is easily broken because of corrosive sea water, requiring frequent repair at a price. In addition, for the removal of the debris,hundreds of devices are needed. The two features mean that this device does not save money.

Second, while the reading believes that the ocean cleanup array does not exert an adverse effect on other marine creatures,the lecture disagrees with it by telling that plankton in the sea surface will be hurt though there is little impact on swimming marine life. According to the lecture, it will have a repercussion on the biologic chain, and creatures feeding on plankton will also be negatively influenced.

Third, despite the fact from the reading that plastic debris collected by the ocean cleanup array can be recycled, the lecture contends that what the ocean cleanup array collects is debris with polyethylene and polypropylene combined. In thiscase, if with an aim of reusing, they should be separated, which also requires money.


Do you agree or disagree with thestatement:

Scientific discoveries should be shared globally, and the government should not keep themas secrets. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.




From my perspective, sharing scientific findings worldwide is not feasible and the government ought to keep them secret.

Granted, if with scientific discoveries shared extensively, it might be a blessing for the advances of science,  because plenty of scientific achievements come from continuous in-depth research and cooperation among countries. If scientific findings could be open to scientists worldwide, it might serve as acatalyst for a chain of new discoveries, for researchers can effectively diginto their fields based on the previous of other professionals’ research results.

Nevertheless, the above potential benefit fails to justify that sharing scientific discoveries globally is actually advisable, which, instead, will bring repercussions. For one thing, it will have an adverse effect on countries’ security. Conceivably, scientific tasks, such as research on atomic bombs, are often related with the goal of preserving the nation’s peace. If the government does not keep the relevant scientific findings as secrets, no one can guarantee that these discoveries will not be misused by immoral people or nations, which will be further detrimental to the security of some countries or even the whole world. In other words, keeping research findings secret plays a key role inmaintaining the global peace.

For another, publicly sharing scientific results is not fair to relevant researchers. Apparently, researching into scientific fields, like renewable energy resources, requires painstaking efforts.With perhaps dozens of years devoted to research, scientists may be eager for rewards, such as a patent or a Nobel Prize in physics. However, if with their precious research findings available to other scientists, it might lead to acommonly confusing question: who has discovered it? A possible reason for it is that with scientific findings shared all over the world, research will be undertaken on the basis of combining many professionals’ research fruits. In this case, it is extremely difficult to define who has mainly contributed to the most updated scientific discovery, so, for example, no matter who has been awarded a Nobel Prize in physics, relevant scientists who have taken part in the research will all feel unfair.

Conclusively, demerits of making scientific research discoveries available to the whole world outweigh its potential merit, and governments had better keep them secret.

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