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时间: 2016/6/18 14:16:21





Tips on Public Speaking: Eliminating the Dreaded "Um"——From Harvard Extentsion School


Steven D. Cohen

Steven D. Cohen is an award-winning speaker who leads career and academic workshops on public speaking at Harvard Extension School. Through the Harvard Professional Development Programs, he teaches the programs Introduction to Public Speaking: Effective Presentation Skills and Advanced Public Speaking: Persuasive Communication.


It is difficult for me to watch political speeches. After all, I know that I am going to hear one alarming word over and over again. It’s not “debt,” “deficit,” or “downturn.” It’s “um.”


Filler words like “um” may seem natural in everyday speech, but they do not belong in formal presentations or speeches. Powerful public speakers work hard to eliminate words such as“um,” “uh,” “well,” “so,” “you know,” “er,” and “like”from their vocabulary so that their listeners can focus solely on their message.Through practice and persistence, you can too.

所謂得filler words形式很多樣,但他們不應出現在任何正式得場合(托福考試算是半正式吧,其實也像是一個presentation一樣得感覺)因為這些詞都會分散你得聽眾們得注意力。通過不斷得練習,你一定可以消滅這些不必要得filler words!

SO, LIKE, WHY AM I SAYING “UM”?Why do we use filler words? The simplest answer is that we have been conditioned to answer questions immediately from an early age. When our mother or father asked us a question, we were sure to answer right away—either because we wanted to show respect or because we were afraid of what would happen if we didn’t answer. Consequently, we feel the urge to speak when spoken to.為什么會說Um? 因為我們總是急于回答問題,不趕緊回答就好像不尊重人似得。于是……總是覺得很緊迫,得趕緊說。Some people argue that filler words serve an important purpose such as making a speaker sound more “natural” or “real.” In fact, Michael Erard wrote a book on this very subject. But just because filler words are fairly common in everyday speech does not mean that they are useful.In fact, they often detract from the listener’s ability to understand a particular message.有人覺得um呀uh呀讓演講者聽上去更自然和真實。其實不然,常說不代表它們就有必要(存在未必即合理),反而它們還常常會讓聽者被干擾。There are two places where filler words commonly appear: at the beginning of a statement and in between ideas. See what happens the next time you answer a question. You might say “um” or “uh” right away without even thinking. Then when you are finished discussing your first idea, you may be tempted to use another filler word as you decide what to say next.這些um uh得詞,常常才會出現在句子得開頭,或者在兩個點之間(其實就是當我們在思考得時候)

When you use a filler word such as “um,” you are thinking verbally. In other words, you are verbalizing your thought process. Armed with this information, it is easy to realize thatthe best way to avoid using filler words is to pause.If you are not speaking, you can’t say “um”!

喜歡說Um得人,其實是在用語言表述自己得思考過程。所以,较簡單粗暴得辦法就是,在自己特別想說um得時候,停住!強迫自己:只要不說話,就不要有Um! REMOVING “UM” FROM YOUR VOCABULARY

The next time you are asked a question, take a couple seconds to think about what you want to say. This pause serves two important purposes: it will help you begin powerfully, and it will help you avoid using a filler word. Pause, think, answer.


The same public speaking technique applies when you are transitioning from one idea to another. While you may be tempted to fill the silence between ideas with a filler word, remember to pause and give yourself a moment to think about what you want to say next. It is important that you don’t begin speaking until you are ready. Remember: Pause, think, answer.


It may feel unnatural to pause, especially since you have responded to questions right away for your entire life. I assure you that you will deliver more powerful responses and reduce your chance of using filler words if you give yourself time to think.



If you need help to overcome your “um” problem, consider asking a co-worker, family member, or friend to point out when you use filler words. You also could record an upcoming presentation and then watch yourself in action. You may be amazed at how often you say “um” or “uh”!

如果真得需要幫助,不如找同事、家人或朋友指出你在什么時候使用過filler words,或者你也可以反復聽自己得錄音【所以,一定要使用“亦鷗托福app”來練習口語呀,收聽自己得錄音+得到他人得點評,感受一下自己究竟是在哪里曾經呃或啊】

Although we live in a fast-paced society that seemingly demands instant answers, we must use the pause to our advantage. We may feel pressure to answer right away, but ultimately, we should only speak when we are ready.

Do you agree? I would like to hear what you think so leave a comment. But, please, don’t use any “ums.”



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