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简介:大家好,我是Doris老师。我毕业于四川外语学院,专攻语言文学,笔译及口译。在大学期间,获得了英语专业八级证书,大学4、6级证书,剑桥商务英语证书,教师资格证书等。我热爱英文教学,并且在教学方面有近5年的教学经验,能专业的教授和英语相关的各种课程,听力口语类,商务类,中高考类及国内其他考试,国外考试课程等等,尤其在托福,雅思课程的教授方面独树一帜。我的座右铭是:多一点点(a little bit more). 期待您来百弗,Doris将带您走进奇妙的英语学习旅程。

Hey, guys, I’m Doris. I graduated from Sichuan International Studies University and majoring in linguistic and literature, translation and interpretation. I hold the certificates of TEM8, CET4&6, BEC, Teachers' Qualification Certificate, etc. I’m passionate about teaching .I have a rich experience in teaching every aspect of English for a couple of years, and particularly specializes in TOEFL and IELTS. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd is always my motto: a little bit more. Come to Baff and study with us, I’ll usher you into a miraculous journey of English study.

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