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时间: 2012/1/31 15:13:00


1、Hope is what makes one's life continue forward. It provides one with trust, healthy and responsible anticipation, and gives one optimism. Hope brings one's focus on the goal, achieving a broader view, allowing one to see new fears and challenges and helping one to prepare.
2、Don’t give up hope! Even when you feel as though there isn’t a lot you can do to change the lingering unhappiness or problems in the life--your spirit is willing, but your flesh is weak, you can always do a little--and a little at a time eventually makes a big difference.
3、Look for the beauty around you wherever you go--in nature, in others, in yourself--and believe in the love of friends, family, and even humankind. You can find love in a smile or a helping hand, in a thoughtful gesture or a kind word. It is all around, if you just look for it.
4、Give love, and while giving it you will find the power in life along with the joy, happiness, patience and understanding. Believe in the goodness of others and remember that all the anger and depression can be countered by love and hope.
5、Life doesn’t always give us the joys we want. We don’t always get our hopes and dreams, and we don’t always get our own way. But don’t give up hope, because everything changes as time goes by and you can make a difference in one situation and one person at a time.



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