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时间: 2018/12/25 10:25:29

参加过托福考试的同学们都知道,听力的每篇lecture和conversation之后的第1道题考试听力文章的主旨。很多考生都会理解错误考题只是要main idea,但事实并非如此,快来看吧!



目的与主要内容有时并不会完全一致,因为会出现转话题的情况,因此明确初目的才能选择出来正确的选项。例如TPO42C1 Discussion about Bauhaus


Student: Hi. I'm Melisa. I was just a few doors down getting some help in the computer lab. My electronic files won't open. The technician says it's probably a computer virus. She's working on it now. Professor: Yes, from what I've heard lots of campus computers have been affected. What a first week! Huh?

Student: I know, anyhow, I noticed your name on the door as I was walking down the hallway, thought I'd stop in and find out if you happen to have any additional copies of the class syllabus. The one I received in class the other day is missing a page.Professor: Oh, sorry about that. I probably have a few extra printouts on hand.

Student: Great! Oh, and I noticed on the syllabus we'll be learning about and eventually writing a paper on "The Bauhaus style of art"? Sounds interesting. I'm looking forward to it.Professor: Right, but technically it doesn't say Bauhaus style of art. It only says the Bauhaus.

Student: Oh, what's the difference?

......这段对话开始的时候学生先提到了因为电脑病毒而不能打印材料,看到了教授在门上的名字就进来问问这里有没有多一份的class syllabus,接着学生就与教授谈论了课堂上将会学到的Bauhaus art。


Why does the student want to talk to the professor?

A. To let him know that she has no background in art

B. To discuss the topic of her art history paper

C. To inform him that she is unable to print out the class syllabus at the

computer lab

D. To get another copy of the material from class





Advice on a term paper’s topic

对话开头教授先对学生的专业选择表示赞同,还分享了自己的工作经历以及选择food science所需要具备的专业知识,一直到学生说so since



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