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时间: 2024/3/15 15:35:14


















雅思口语原文:I’d like to share a funny story with you. When I was about 10 years old, you know, a boy full of energy and never in a peaceful mind, I was running around freely in a city park.

这位考生将“一次谈话”和“一个有趣的外国人”两个话题结合起来了,这个本身并没有问题,但是问题感觉干巴巴的,开头段介绍事情发生的时间地点人物。但是时间介绍上(when I was about 10 years old)太过于抽象,所以我加上了一句 it took place。并在I was running…前面加上one day来合理细化时间。you know, a boy full of energy and never in a peaceful mind此句显得多余,可以删去。

雅思口语批改:I’d like to share a funny story with you. It took place when I was about 10 years old. One day as I was jogging in a city park,


雅思口语原文:Suddenly on the corner ,I nearly bumped into a middle-aged man who is a medium-built foreigner around 5.3 feet, a little fat but with sparkling eyes which is so beautiful and attractive that I couldn’t help looking so much. I stopped and said sorry to him sincerely. Fortunately He was not irritable and said it’s ok.


雅思口语批改:One day as I was running around freely in a city park,I nearly bumped right into a man at a corner. Not until he apologized in poor Chinese did I realize he was a foreigner! To tell you the truth the guy was actually good-looking. He was about 5.3 feet tall, a little fat but blue eyes sparkled with charisma, which really appealed to me.


雅思口语原文:At the moment I found that there were about seven dogs frolicking around him, they seemed to be cute corgis then I asked him what was he doing with them?

接着注意到了外国人身边有七条柯基犬,(found改为noticed更为准确,seemed to be也显多余,可以直接删除),于是有了这段对话。


雅思口语批改:At the moment I noticed that there were about seven corgi puppies frolicking around him. So I asked him what he was doing.


He responded that he was just racing with his small pets and the first one would be given the name Gabriel the same as his and the rest would be named from number one to six.

first one 指代不明,改成winner of the game会明确很多。

雅思口语批改:He responded that he was just racing with his puppies and the winner of the game would be named Gabriel -- just the same as his and the rest would be named from one to six.


That was so funny I never heard before. I said how did he come up with this idea? He said he had no idea but it occurred to him suddenly when he saw children running around. Oh maybe I made some contributions for him. Finally, I said goodbye to him and wished him a good ending.

这一段用于描述自己的反应和感受,但是表达过于中式。句话是个病句,可以更改成 It was so funny that I was cracked up. 后面进一步加强,I even started to wonder how he came up with the idea. 然后外国人解释,he told me he had a tough time figuring out how to name the dogs till he saw some kids running around in this park one day.

雅思口语批改:It was so funny that I was cracked up. A bit confused, the foreigner, however, went on to explain that he had a tough time figuring out how to name the dogs till he saw some kids running around in this park one day. I have to say it was a brilliant yet quite novel idea. Don’t you think so?



对于雅思听力口音的问题,其实很多时候都有其特定的特点。要抱着开放的心态去接受这个事,不能一味避免这方面的学习。而且我们需要明确的是口音问题并不会让你听不懂不理解的程度。每种口音都有其特点,比如:印度式英语 t 和 d, k 和 g,p 和 b 音不分。想要适应这些的口音,考生可以平常多了解相关的美剧、电影,或者关于印度方面的电影电视剧,并且多听一些剑桥雅思当中出现的相关音频,就能让我们消除对这几种国际口音的抵触感了。

还有各位雅思考生关心的美式口音的问题。其实从全局分析,英式英语的Received Pronunciation比美音更加收敛,语音音调也四平八稳,起伏较小;美式英语发音方式会更加的自然轻松,音调上下起伏较大。从发音上看,英音和美音在字母r是否卷舌以及单词中的元音口型大小都是有明显的区别的:


2、英音中正常发/?/ 的字母o在美音当中会发偏/a:/的音,比如god, box, shop等,而英音中正常发/a:/的字母a在美音当中会发偏/æ/的音,比如class, ask, advance等。

另外,同时也想说明一下关于澳大利亚的英语口音问题。澳大利亚作为英联邦成员,语音语调方面也是跟英音较接近的。但是还是有些不同,在澳洲音中/ei/和/e/这两个音节会跟英音有明显的不同:/ei/ 这个音会变为 /ai/,例如place会读为/plais/,mate会读为/mait/;而/e/这个音会变为/i/,比如 remember会读为 /ri’mimb/。

较后谈一下关于我们较喜欢抱怨的印度的语音语调问题,虽然印度也是作为英联邦成员,但是它们的发音却是十分特殊,不像澳音和美式英语一样。通常的特点是语速惊人,没有卷舌音、爆破音和清辅音,所以p发b, t发d, k发g,r发l,另外他们的音调也是比较好认的,I agree -> I aglee,Me too -> Me doo,Car ->Gar,People -> beople,Thank you very much -> Dank you vely much,I am thirty-> I am dirty~

版权所有:搜学搜课(wwww.soxsok com)