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时间: 2023/11/5 14:19:03

常州有名的雅思培训班学费多少,这里向大家推荐新航道, 新航道为准备雅思考试的学员提供雅思考试辅导课程,不管你的基础水平如何,新航道都有适合你的雅思辅导课程,雅思培训老师会先了解学生目前的水平,然后进行有针对性的教学规划。小编认为,对于那些想提高自己雅思水平的学生来说,新航道雅思培训班是值得选择的一个机构,即使你的雅思基础很差,在新航道老师的指导和自己的努力下,达到理想的考试成绩是轻而易举的。










赛龙舟是端午节的习俗之一,新航道小编整理关于端午节赛龙舟习俗的英文介绍, 一起来看看吧!

The Dragon Boat Festival custom to dragon boat racing: dragon boat racing, the Dragon Boat Festival is the main customs. It originated in ancient because of a state to princes for qu yuan river died, many people rowing after save. They fight to be the first, after to not observed in dongting lake. A year after the May 5 rowing in memory of it. Borrow rowing dispel the ancient fish, lest fish eat qu yuan's body. The JingDu learned, prevailed in the wu, the more, chu. In fact, "Dragon Boat Festival" as early as in the warring states period. In marking the drums in the shape of a carved Jackie chan canoes, do JingDu game to entertainment gods and happiness, is offering instrument and a half, and entertaining religious program. Later, dragon boat racing in addition to commemorate qu yuan, besides, people all over in the different meaning also grants.

端午节习俗之赛龙舟:賽龙舟,是端午节的主要习俗。相传起源于古时楚国人因舍不得贤臣屈原投江死去,许多人划船追赶拯救。他们争先恐后,追至洞庭湖时不见踪迹。之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼,以免鱼吃掉屈原的身体。竞渡之习,盛行于吴、越、楚。其实 ,“龙舟竞渡”早在战国时代就有了。在急鼓声中划刻成龙形的独木舟,做竞渡游戏,以娱神与乐人,是祭仪中半宗教性、半娱乐性的节目。后来,赛龙舟除纪念屈原之外,在各地人们还付予了不同的寓意。

The jiangsu and zhejiang provinces area rowing, both born of local modern female democratic revolutionary qiu jin meaning. Night dragon boat, decorations and go through, surface and underwater, scene moving and don't have interest. Miao people in guizhou lunar May 25 to 28 held a "Dragon Boat Festival", in order to celebrate the victory and wish for the grain and make it plentiful rice seedlings. Our compatriots in the water-sprinkling festival is dai in yunnan dragon boat racing, mark ancient hero YanGong nest. Different ethnic groups and different regions and rowing dragon boat legend different. Until today in the southern region of rivers and lakes in the many, every year at the same rich oneself characteristic dragon boat race activities.


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