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时间: 2012/12/28 15:09:00


  We all have difficult people in our lives. You know—the ones you dread talking to; the ones you try to avoid at all costs. They may be your ex-spouse, a co-worker, or a family member; they may be a bully, a control freak, passive-aggressive or someone who loves to play the role of victim.


  So, how do we deal with these people? How can we work together productively, whether in a parenting, a working, or a family relationship?


  Here are a few secrets to being able to keep your cool when dealing with that difficult person in your life:


  1. Know Your Triggers


  Self-knowledge is powerful.


  We all have subjects and idiosyncrasies that push our buttons, and I can almost guarantee that the difficult person in your life knows what those are—but do you? Spend some time exploring what really ticks you off. Is it when somebody talks about politics, money, or your family? Is it when your ex takes your kids to McDonald’s 3 days in a row?


  Once you have your list of those trigger buttons, you are ready to arm yourself. Create a plan. What will you do when the conversation steers dangerously close to one of your buttons?


  You can practice deep breathing, take a short time-out, walk away from the conversation, or any combination of the three. Whatever allows you to center yourself and regain your focus onthe purpose of the conversation will work.



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