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时间: 2014/2/23 16:27:00


In order for human cells and organs to function (动词,运转;运行) properly, we need an adequate(形容词,充足的;适当的) amount of water in our bodies. Since nearly all activities cause people to lose water, it's essential to replenish (动词,补充;装满) our water levels. The standard rule for water replenishment is the 8x8 method: eight ounces of water, eight times a day. However, otherdietary (形容词,规定饮食的) recommendations, such as those from the Institute of Medicine, recommend 13 cups a day for men and 9 cups a day for women. The exact amount of water that people should consume (动词,消耗) each day depends on factors such as body weight, level of activity and diet.


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