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时间: 2013/9/21 15:46:00

  网友:我的雅思阅读现在水平6.5,我还想提高一下,我对于T/F/NG题很是没有办法,你能给我说一下,T与NG的区别 !
  北京雅思学校老师:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN的区别在于:考点词上方向一致是TRUE;矛盾是FALSE;既不一致, 也不矛盾是NOT GIVEN。
  例1:《剑桥四》TEST1, QUESTION3
  题干:It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the ‘pure’ science that they study at school.
  定位词:the ‘pure’ science,相当于topic。
  考点词:hold mistaken views,相当于方向。
  原文:Many studies have shown that children harbors misconceptions about ‘pure’, curriculum science.
  题干的考点词mistaken view为负向,对应原文的misconceptions也为负向,所以方向一致,选TRUE。至于原文和题干的众多其他单词,甚至包括misconceptions本身,不论认识与否,都在所不问。
  例2:剑桥四TEST1, QUESTION1
  题干:The plight of the rainforests has largely been ignored by the media.
  定位词:the media
  考点词: been ignored,为负向
  原文:In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage…
  frequent and often vivid为正向,方向矛盾,选FALSE。
  例3:剑桥四TEST1, QUESTION6
  题干:Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about the rainforests’ destruction.
  考点词:more likely to hold mistaken views(比较内容就是方向)
  原文:More girls (70%) than boys (60%) raised the idea of rainforest as animal habitats.
  题干与原文比较的内容不同,所以方向既不一致,也不矛盾,选NOT GIVEN。
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