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时间: 2019/8/5 10:56:50

  1. The college students in China are _______ from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.

  A. discouraged   B. observed   C. obeyed   D. obtained2. Professor Smith is also the _______ of the international program office. If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help.

  A. detective   B. president   C. manager   D. director3. We won’t allow any foreign country to _______ in our internal affairs.

  A. devote   B. district   C. interfere   D. wander4. We can not _______ all the magazines together.

  A. route   B. draw   C. thread   D. bind5. What he said in the meeting _______ everybody present.

  A. disgusted   B. dismissed   C. disposed   D. eliminated6. Some lazy men would rather _______ than work.

  A. indicate   B. declare   C. solve   D. starve7. This boy was _______ for what he had done in the class.

  A. scolded   B. overcome   C. inclined   D. displayed8. Some states in the United States _______ people to carry guns.

  A. apply   B. charm   C. ignore   D. forbid9. Carelessness made him fall in his job _______.

  A. interview   B. intention   C. stomach   D. stocking10. Sometimes it is very difficult to _______ some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.

  A. decrease   B. create   C. define   D. delight11. Students with _______ problems may apply for student loansA. economic   B. financial   C. male   D. economical12. Both sugar and salt can ______in water.

  A. desert   B. absorb   C. dissolve   D. involve13. I have not heard anything from him since his _______.

  A. departure   B. fault   C. foundation   D. acciptance14. Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.

  A. conduct   B. stoop   C. commit   D. sweat15. Several loudspeakers are _______ from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.

  A. connected   B. sustained   C. associated   D suspended答案见下页参考答案: 1. A  2. D  3. C   4. D   5. A   6. D   7. A   8. D   9. A   10. C   11. B   12. C   13. A    14. C   15. D

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